The "shun" Module (v4)


This module adds the /SHUN command which allows server operators to prevent users from executing commands.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="shun">


The <shun> tag defines settings about how the shun module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
affectopers Boolean No Whether server operators are affected by shuns.
allowconnect Boolean No Whether to only apply shuns to users who have fully connected to the server.
allowtags Boolean No Whether shunned users can send message tags on allowed commands.
cleanedcommands Text AWAY PART QUIT The commands to remove any messages from if allowed.
enabledcommands Text ADMIN OPER PING PONG QUIT A space-delimited list of commands that a shunned user is allowed to run.
notifyuser Boolean Yes Whether to notify shunned users that they are blocked from executing commands.
Example Usage
<shun affectopers="no"
      cleanedcommands="AWAY PART QUIT"
      enabledcommands="ADMIN PING PONG QUIT"


This module extends the core <class:privs> field with the following values:

Name Description
servers/ignore-shuns Allows server operators to ignore shuns.
Example Usage

Allows server operators with the class named BasicOper to ignore shuns.

<class name="BasicOper"
       privs="... servers/ignore-shun ...">


Name Parameter Count Syntax Description
SHUN 1-3 <pattern>[,<pattern>]+ [[<duration>] <reason>] Allows server operators to add and remove shuns on nickname!username@hostname glob patterns.

Example Usage

Shuns users connecting from for one week:

/SHUN *!* 7d :Trolling is forbidden

Shuns users connecting from forever:

/SHUN *!* :Trolling is forbidden

Removes a shun on users connecting from

/SHUN *!*


Character Description
H Lists all shuns.

Special Notes

Shuns are expired lazily when a lookup happens for performance reasons. This means that expiry messages may display later than expected.