InspIRCd v4 is still early in development!

If you use this branch you may experience crashes, weird behaviour, and unannounced breaking changes.

You probably want to use InspIRCd v3 instead.

The "sajoin" Module (v4)


This module adds the /SAJOIN command which allows server operators to force users to join one or more channels.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="sajoin">


This module extends the core <class:privs> field with the following values:

Name Description
users/sajoin-others Allows server operators to /SAJOIN users other than themselves.
Example Usage

Allows server operators with the class named BasicOper to /SAJOIN users other than themselves.

<class name="BasicOper"
       commands="... SAJOIN ..."
       privs="... users/sajoin-others ...">


Name Parameter Count Syntax Description
SAJOIN 1-2 [<nick>] <channel>[,<channel>]+ Forces <nick> to join <channel>. If no nick is specified, forces the server operator issuing the command to join.

Example Usage

Forces Sadie to join #channel:

/SAJOIN Sadie #channel

Forces the server operator issuing the command to join #channel:

/SAJOIN #channel