The "rline" Module (v4)


This module adds the /RLINE command which allows server operators to prevent users matching a nickname!username@hostname+realname regular expression from connecting to the server.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="rline">


The <rline> tag defines settings about how the rline module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
engine Text None The regular expression engine to use for checking matches.
matchonnickchange Boolean No Whether to attempt to match users when they change their nickname.
zlineonmatch Boolean No Whether to add a Z-line on the IP address of users that match a R-line.

The engine field should be set to the name of a regular expression engine.

The following regular expression engines are included with InspIRCd:

Engine Module Description
glob regex_glob Matches using a glob pattern.
pcre regex_pcre2 Matches using a PCRE regular expression.
posix regex_posix Matches using a POSIX regular expression.
re2 regex_re2 Matches using a RE2 regular expression.
stdregex regex_stdlib Matches using a C++11 std::regex regular expression.
Example Usage
<rline engine="pcre"


Name Parameter Count Syntax Description
RLINE 1, 3 <regex> [[<duration>] <reason>] Allows server operators to add and remove regular expression bans on nickname!username@hostname+realname masks.

Example Usage

The following examples assume that the "pcre" regex module is being used.

See the <rline> documentation above for more information.

Bans users connecting from for one week:

/RLINE ^[^!]+![^@]\+.+$ 7d :Trolling is forbidden

Bans users that have "BotBot" in their real name forever:

/RLINE ^[^!]+![^@]+@[^\+]+\+.*BotBot.*$ 0 :No bots allowed

Unbans users connecting from

/RLINE ^[^!]+![^@]\+.+$


Character Description
R Lists all regular expression lines.

Special Notes

R-lines are expired lazily when a lookup happens for performance reasons. This means that expiry messages may display later than expected.