The "rline" Module (v4)
This module adds the /RLINE
command which allows server operators to prevent users matching a nickname!username@hostname+realname regular expression from connecting to the server.
To load this module use the following <module>
<module name="rline">
The <rline>
tag defines settings about how the rline module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
engine | Text | None | The regular expression engine to use for checking matches. |
matchonnickchange | Boolean | No | Whether to attempt to match users when they change their nickname. |
zlineonmatch | Boolean | No | Whether to add a Z-line on the IP address of users that match a R-line. |
The engine field should be set to the name of a regular expression engine.
The following regular expression engines are included with InspIRCd:
Engine | Module | Description |
glob | regex_glob | Matches using a glob pattern. |
pcre | regex_pcre2 | Matches using a PCRE regular expression. |
posix | regex_posix | Matches using a POSIX regular expression. |
re2 | regex_re2 | Matches using a RE2 regular expression. |
stdregex | regex_stdlib | Matches using a C++11 std::regex regular expression. |
Example Usage
<rline engine="pcre"
Name | Parameter Count | Syntax | Description |
RLINE | 1, 3 | <regex> [[<duration>] <reason>] | Allows server operators to add and remove regular expression bans on nickname!username@hostname+realname masks. |
Example Usage
The following examples assume that the "pcre" regex module is being used.
See the <rline>
documentation above for more information.
Bans users connecting from for one week:
/RLINE ^[^!]+![^@]\+.+$ 7d :Trolling is forbidden
Bans users that have "BotBot" in their real name forever:
/RLINE ^[^!]+![^@]+@[^\+]+\+.*BotBot.*$ 0 :No bots allowed
Unbans users connecting from
/RLINE ^[^!]+![^@]\+.+$
Character | Description |
R | Lists all regular expression lines. |
Special Notes
R-lines are expired lazily when a lookup happens for performance reasons. This means that expiry messages may display later than expected.