The "restrictchans" Module (v4)


This module prevents unprivileged users from creating new channels.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="restrictchans">


The <allowchannel> tag defines a channel which may be created by unprivileged users. This tag can be defined as many times as required.

Name Type Default Value Description
name Text None Required! A glob pattern for a channel name which can be created by unprivileged users.
Example Usage

Allows unprivileged users to create the #guests channel:

<allowchannel name="#guests">

Allows unprivileged users to create channels starting with "#user-":

<allowchannel name="#user-*">


The <restrictchans> tag defines settings about how the restrictchans module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
allowregistered Boolean No Whether users who are logged into an account can create channels.
Example Usage
<restrictchans allowregistered="yes">


This module extends the core <class:privs> field with the following values:

Name Description
channels/restricted-create Allows server operators to create channels.
Example Usage

Allows server operators with the class named BasicOper to create channels.

<class name="BasicOper"
       privs="... channels/restricted-create ...">