InspIRCd v4 is still early in development!

If you use this branch you may experience crashes, weird behaviour, and unannounced breaking changes.

You probably want to use InspIRCd v3 instead.

The "override" Module (v4)


This module allows server operators to be given privileges that allow them to ignore various channel-level restrictions.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="override">

<oper> & <type>

This module extends the core <oper> and <type> tags with the following fields:

Name Type Default Value Description
override Text None A space-delimited list of channel-level restrictions that a server operator can ignore.

The override field should be set to one or more of the following values:

Value Description
BANWALK Allows the server operator to ignore any bans which match them.
INVITE Allows the server operator to ignore channel mode i (inviteonly).
KEY Allows the server operator to ignore channel mode k (key).
KICK Allows the server operator to ignore channel privileges when kicking users.
LIMIT Allows the server operator to ignore channel mode l (limit).
MODE Allows the server operator to ignore channel privileges when changing channel modes.
TOPIC Allows the server operator to ignore channel privileges when changing channel topics.
Example Usage

Allows Sadie to ignore any restrictions that might prevent them from joining a channel:

<oper name="Sadie"
      override="BANWALK INVITE KEY LIMIT">

Allows server operators of type NetAdmin to ignore any restrictions that might prevent them from joining a channel:

<type name="NetAdmin"
      override="BANWALK INVITE KEY LIMIT">


The <override> tag defines settings about how the override module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
noisy Boolean No Whether to inform the channel when a server operator overrides a restriction.
requirekey Boolean No Whether overriding server operators should have to specify a channel key of override when joining a channel.
timeout Duration 0s The time period to remove the override mode after. If set to 0 then it will never be automatically removed.
Example Usage
<override noisy="no"

User Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
override O Switch None Server operators Allows server operators to opt-in to overriding restrictions.

Server Notice Masks

Character Description
v Notifications about server operators overriding channel-level restrictions on the local server.
V Notifications about server operators overriding channel-level restrictions on a remote server.