The "ojoin" Module (v4)


This module adds the /OJOIN command which allows server operators to join a channel and receive the server operator-only Y (official-join) channel prefix mode.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="ojoin">


The <ojoin> tag defines settings about how the ojoin module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
notice Boolean Yes Whether to inform channel members that a server operator is joining on official network business.
op Boolean Yes Whether to also give joining server operators the o (op) channel prefix mode.
prefix Character None If defined then the prefix character to use for the Y (official-join) channel prefix mode.
Example Usage
<ojoin notice="yes"


Name Parameter Count Syntax Description
OJOIN 1 <channel> Joins <channel> with the server operator-only Y (official-join) channel prefix mode.

Example Usage

Joins #example with the server operator-only Y (official-join) channel prefix mode:

/OJOIN #example

Channel Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
official-join Y Prefix <nick> Server operators Grants channel official-join status to <nick>.

Special Notes

The Y (official-join) channel prefix mode can not be directly set by users. To enable this channel prefix mode log into a server operator account and use the /OJOIN command.

If you want the Y (official-join) channel prefix mode to be active at all times consider using the operprefix module instead.