InspIRCd v4 is still early in development!

If you use this branch you may experience crashes, weird behaviour, and unannounced breaking changes.

You probably want to use InspIRCd v3 instead.

The "nokicks" Module (v4)


This module adds channel mode Q (nokick) which prevents privileged users from using the /KICK command.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="nokicks">

This module requires no other configuration.

Channel Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
nokick Q Switch None Channel operators Prevents privileged users from using the /KICK command.

Extended Bans

Name Character Type Ban Syntax Description
nokick Q Acting [!]nokick:<mask> Bans privileged users matching <mask> from using the /KICK command.

Example Usage

Bans privileged users matching *!* from using the /KICK command:

/MODE #channel +b Q:*!*

Special Notes

You should consider using the services module and the mode locking feature of your IRC services to prevent privileged users from evading this mode by unsetting it.