The "denychans" Module (v4)


This module allows the server administrator to prevent users from joining channels matching a glob.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="denychans">


The <badchan> tag defines a channel to prevent users from joining. This tag can be defined as many times as required.

Name Type Default Value Description
allowopers Boolean No Whether to allow server operators to join channels matching this rule.
name Text None Required! A glob pattern for a channel name that users should be prevented from joining.
reason Text None A message to tell a user who tries to join a channel that matches this rule.
redirect Text None If defined then the name of a channel to join users to who try to join a channel matching this rule.
Example Usage

Bans channels matching #potato* from being joined:

<badchan name="#potato*"
         reason="Discussion of vegetables is banned on this network!"

Redirects users joining channel #eggplant to #aubergine:

<badchan name="#eggplant"
         reason="This network uses British English."


The <goodchan> tag defines an exemption to the rules specified with <badchan>. This tag can be defined as many times as required.

Name Type Default Value Description
name Text None Required! A glob pattern for a channel name that users should be allowed to join regardless of any rules banning it.
Example Usage
<goodchan name="#*ircd">