The "blockamsg" Module (v4)


This module blocks mass messages sent using the /AME and /AMSG commands that exist in clients such as mIRC and HexChat.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="blockamsg">


The <blockamsg> tag defines settings about how the blockamsg module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
delay Duration 3s The duration between identical messages to consider them a mass message or 0 to allow any gap.
action Text killopers The action to take when the module has detected a user sending a mass message.

The action field should be set to one of the following values:

Value Description
kill Disconnect the sending user from the server.
killopers Disconnect the sending user from the server and notify server operators.
notice Inform the sending user that their repeated message has been discarded.
noticeopers Inform the sending user that their repeated message has been discarded and notify server operators.
silent Silently discard repeated messages.
Example Usage
<blockamsg delay="5s"


This module extends the core <class:privs> field with the following values:

Name Description
servers/ignore-blockamsg Allows server operators to send messages with the /AMSG and /AME commands.
Example Usage

Allows server operators with the class named BasicOper to send messages with the /AMSG and /AME commands.commands

<class name="BasicOper"
       privs="... servers/ignore-blockamsg ...">