The "alias" Module (v4)


This module allows the server administrator to define custom channel commands (e.g. !kick) and server commands (e.g. /OPERSERV).


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="alias">


The <alias> tag defines a custom channel or server command. This tag can be defined as many times as required.

Name Type Default Value Description
text Text None Required! The name of the custom command.
replace Text None Required! The message to replace the custom command with.
format Text None If defined then a glob pattern that the command parameters must match.
requires Text None If defined then the nickname of a user which must be online for the alias to work.
channelcommand Boolean No Whether the command can be executed as a channel command.
usercommand Boolean Yes Whether the command can be executed as a server command.
operonly Boolean No Whether the user executing the command must be a server operator.
stripcolor Boolean No Whether to strip formatting codes before matching an alias.
service Boolean No Whether the user specified in the requires value must be on a services server.

The replace field can contain any of the following template variables:

Variable Description
$1 to $9 The value of the parameter at the specified position.
$1- to $9- The values of the parameters at and after the specified position.
$address The IP address or UNIX socket path of the user that executed the command.
$chan If executed as a channel command then the name of the channel.
$host The real hostname of the user that executed the command.
$nick The nickname of the user that executed the command.
$requirement The nickname specified in the requires field.
$user The username of the user that executed the command.
$vhost The virtual hostname of the user that executed the command.
Example Usage

Defines an oper-only /OPERSERV server command that messages the OperServ client if it is on a services server:

<alias text="OPERSERV"
       replace="PRIVMSG OperServ :$2-"


The <fantasy> tag defines settings about custom channel commands. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
allowbots Boolean No Whether users with the bot user mode (+B) can execute channel commands.
prefix Text ! The prefix that indicates that a message is a channel command
Example Usage
<fantasy allowbots="no"

Special Notes

If you are using services you may find it useful to use one of the predefined service files which ship with InspIRCd.

If you are using Anope for your services add the following tag to your configuration:

<include file="examples/services/anope.example.conf">

If you are using Atheme for your services add the following tag to your configuration:

<include file="examples/services/atheme.example.conf">