InspIRCd v4 is still early in development!

If you use this branch you may experience crashes, weird behaviour, and unannounced breaking changes.

You probably want to use InspIRCd v3 instead.

The "account" Module (v4)


This module adds support for user accounts.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="account">


This module extends the core <connect> tags with the following fields:

Name Type Default Value Description
requireaccount Text No Whether users must be logged into a services account to use this class.

The requireaccount field should be set to one of the following values:

Value Description
nick A user must be logged into their nickname to use this class.
no An account is not required to use this class.
yes A user must be logged into an account to use this class.
Example Usage

Requires users to be logged into a services account to be assigned to the Authenticated class:

<connect name="Authenticated"

<oper> & <type>

This module extends the core <oper> and <type> tags with the following fields:

Name Type Default Value Description
account Text None If defined then a space-delimited list of user account names or account identifiers to check against this server operator's account.
Example Usage

Requires Sadie to be logged into the user account with the name Sadie or identifier 1234567890 in order to log in to their server operator account:

<oper name="Sadie"
      account="Sadie 1234567890">

Requires server operators of type NetAdmin to be logged into the user account with the name Sadie or identifier 1234567890 in order to log in to their server operator account:

<type name="NetAdmin"
      account="Sadie 1234567890">

Channel Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
reginvite R Switch None Channel operators Prevents users who are not logged into a services account from joining the channel.
regmoderated M Switch None Channel operators Prevents users who are not logged into a services account from speaking in the channel.

User Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
regdeaf R Switch None Anyone Prevents users who are not logged into a services account from messaging the user.


Name Description
regmoderated Allows exempted users to send messages to the channel without being logged in.

Extended Bans

Name Character Type Ban Syntax Description
account R Matching [!]account:<pattern> Checks whether users are logged into a services account matching <pattern>.
unauthed U Matching [!]unauthed:<pattern> Checks whether users matching <pattern> are not logged into a services account.

Example Usage

Bans users logged into the services account named Soni:

/MODE #channel +b R:Soni

Bans users matching *!* that are not logged into a services account:

/MODE #channel +b U:*!*