The "passforward" Module (v3)


This module allows an account password to be forwarded to a services pseudoclient such as NickServ.

The forwarded password can either be sent with /PASS or (since v3.12.0) as the second parameter to the /NICK command.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="passforward">


The <passforward> tag defines settings about how the passforward module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
cmd Text SQUERY $nickrequired :IDENTIFY $pass The command to use when forwarding a password to services.
forwardmsg Text NOTICE $nick :*** Forwarding PASS to $nickrequired The command to use when informing the connecting user that their password is being forwarded.
nick Text NickServ The nickname of the user that must be online for a password to be forwarded.

The cmd and forwardmsg fields can contain any of the following template variables:

Variable Description
$nick The nickname of the connecting user.
$nickrequired The nickname of the user that must be online for a /PASS password to be forwarded.
$pass The password sent by the connecting user using the /PASS command.
$user The username (ident) of the connecting user.
Example Usage
<passforward cmd="SQUERY $nickrequired :IDENTIFY $nick $pass"
             forwardmsg="NOTICE $nick :*** Forwarding PASS to $nickrequired"