The "opermotd" Module (v3)


This module adds the /OPERMOTD command which adds a special message of the day for server operators.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="opermotd">

<files> & <execfiles>

This module extends the core <files> and <execfiles> tags with the following fields:

Name Type Default Value Description
opermotd Text None The file to read or command to execute to obtain the opermotd text.
Example Usage

Obtains the server operator message of the day by reading opermotd.txt:

<files ...

Obtains the server operator message of the day by executing curl

<execfiles ...


The <opermotd> tag defines settings about how the opermotd module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
file Text opermotd The file path or name of the field in <files> / <execfiles> to use when reading the server operator message of the day.
onoper Boolean Yes Whether to send the server operator message of the day to server operators when they log into their server operator account.
Example Usage
<opermotd file="opermotd"


Name Parameter Count Syntax Description
OPERMOTD 0-1 [<server>] Requests the server operator message of the day for <server>.

Example Usage

Requests the server operator message of the day for the local server:


Requests the server operator message of the day for