The "nokicks" Module (v3)


This module adds channel mode Q (nokick) which prevents privileged users from using the /KICK command.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="nokicks">

This module requires no other configuration.

Channel Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
nokick Q Switch None Channel operators Prevents privileged users from using the /KICK command.

Extended Bans

Name Character Type Ban Syntax Description
nokick Q Acting Q:<mask> Bans privileged users matching <mask> from using the /KICK command.

Example Usage

Bans privileged users matching *!* from using the /KICK command:

/MODE #channel +b Q:*!*

Special Notes

You should consider using the mlock module and the mode locking feature of your IRC services to prevent privileged users from evading this mode by unsetting it.