The "nickflood" Module (v3)
This module adds channel mode F
(nickflood) which helps protect against spammers which mass-change nicknames.
To load this module use the following <module>
<module name="nickflood">
The <nickflood>
tag defines settings about how the nickflood module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
duration | Duration | 1m | The time period that nick changes should be locked for once a nick flood has been detected. |
Example Usage
<nickflood duration="60s">
Channel Modes
Name | Character | Type | Parameter Syntax | Usable By | Description |
nickflood | F | Parameter | <changes>:<seconds> | Channel operators | Prevents more than <changes> nickname changes in the last <seconds> seconds. |
Example Usage
Prevents more than three nickname changes in the last five seconds:
/MODE #channel +F 3:5
Name | Description |
nickflood | Allows exempted users to change nicknames at a higher rate than channel mode F (nickflood) allows. |