The "ldapauth" Module (v3)


This module allows connecting users to be authenticated against an LDAP database.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="ldapauth">


The <ldapauth> tag defines settings about how the ldapauth module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
allowpattern Text None If defined then a glob pattern for nicknames that are exempted from the authentication requirement.
attribute Text None Required! The attribute which is used to locate an account by name. On POSIX systems this is usually "uid".
baserdn Text None Required! The base Distinguished Name to search in for users.
dbid Text None Required! The id of the <database> tag that contains the required LDAP configuration. See the docs for the ldap module for more information.
host Text None If defined then the vhost to set on connecting users.
killreason Text None Required! The message to kill users that fail to authenticate with.
userfield Boolean No Whether to authenticate users against their username (ident) instead of their nick.
verbose Boolean No Whether to log failed authentications to snomask a (local) and snomask A (remote).
Example Usage
<ldapauth allowpattern="Guest*"
          killreason="Access denied"


The <ldaprequire> tag defines LDAP attributes that must be set on users in order for them to be able to connect. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
attribute Text None Required! The name of an LDAP attribute that must be set on a user.
value Text None Required! The value of an LDAP attribute that must be set on a user.
Example Usage
<ldaprequire attribute="ou"


The <ldapwhitelist> tag defines CIDR ranges which are exempt from the authentication requirement. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
cidr Text None Required! A CIDR range which is exempt from the authentication requirement.
Example Usage
<ldapwhitelist cidr="">