The "commonchans" Module (v3)


This module adds user mode c (deaf_commonchan) which requires users to have a common channel before they can privately message each other.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="commonchans">


This module extends the core <class:privs> field with the following values:

Name Description
users/ignore-commonchans Allows server operators to message a user with the c (deaf_commonchan) mode set without sharing a common channel.
Example Usage

Allows server operators with the class named BasicOper to message a user with the c (deaf_commonchan) mode set without sharing a common channel.

<class name="BasicOper"
       privs="... users/ignore-commonchans ...">


The <commonchans> tag defines settings about how the codepage module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
invite Boolean No New in v3.13.0! Whether to require a common channel to be able to invite a user with the c (deaf_commonchan) mode set.
Example Usage
<commonchans invite="yes">

User Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
deaf_commonchan c Switch None Anyone Requires other users to have a common channel before they can message this user.