The "auditorium" Module (v3)


This module adds channel mode u (auditorium) which hides unprivileged users in a channel from each other. This is done by suppressing joins, parts, quits, kicks, /NAMES responses, and /WHO responses for unprivileged users.


To load this module use the following <module> tag:

<module name="auditorium">


The <auditorium> tag defines settings about how the auditorium module should behave. This tag can only be defined once.

Name Type Default Value Description
opcansee Boolean No Whether channel operators can see other channel members.
opvisible Boolean No Whether channel operators can be seen by other channel members.
opercansee Boolean Yes Whether server operators with the channels/auspex privilege can see other channel members.
Example Usage
<auditorium opcansee="no"

Channel Modes

Name Character Type Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
auditorium u Switch None Channel operators Enables auditorium mode.


Name Description
auditorium-see Allows exempted users to see other channel members.
auditorium-vis Allows exempted users to be seen by other channel members.